Tuesday, July 3, 2012

100 Series - The Journey

The '100 Series', which has 3 posts, will resume however before it resumes, I'll be sketching, drawing, and developing my technical knowledge of drawing.  Starting this last January, I started attending drawing fundamentals and figure drawing classes under Sadie Valerie, and will continue studying for the better part of this year.  Below is my current project, 'Studying Vessels'.  It is about 80% finished.  More will be completed on each vessel and the background.  It has taken approximately 36 hours of work to this stage.

I am learning how to compare the area immediately around my shading to more accurately select the correct value choices.  Measuring is important to establish accurate sides of the vessels and establishing the correct relationship of each part of the vessels to each other.  Ellipses are wonderful to learn about and they look great when done well.  When this piece is finished I'll post a photo.

1 comment:

  1. Looking good so far Susan, keep up the practice and the studies.
