Monday, January 2, 2012

#3 of 100 Series 'Michelle'

After finishing 'Plein Air 100 Series' #2 this afternoon around 3pm, I headed out for inspiration to start #3.  After a few stops at various locations, Pajaro Dunes, Sunset Beach, Taylor Farms (all just down the street), I ended up at the bluff at La Selva Beach (where the train goes by).  There on the bluff, in just the right light, I found my next inspiration.  #3 -  'Michelle'.  Thank you Michelle!

Michelle let me take several pictures and we struck up a conversation.  Never let an opportunity pass and this one is a good one.  Michelle, it turns out, lives in La Selva Beach and is just beginning her artistic journey.  She showed me several paintings she did in acrylic on her iphone right there on the cliff.  She asked if she and her friend could call me with art related questions.  I said, of course, and offered for us all to paint together.  Without skipping a heartbeat, she said YES! I think an impromptu art group may have just started.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

#2 of 100 Series 'Evening Train In La Selva Beach'

# 2 Plein Air Study 
Union Pacific Railroad runs through Santa Cruz County between Davenport and Watsonville.  U.P.'s major client, Cemex (a cement plant in Davenport) closed this year.  The Davenport to Watsonville line may discontinue as a result of the loss of revenue from Cemex.  On its daily run, it  comes through La Selva Beach near dusk.  The railroad bridge and approaching train at La Selva Beach face viewers on the bluff and the train continues along the base of the bluff as it travels southbound.  Following are:

  the reference photo

 initial block-in         
First lay in of color  

The design is unusual with the bridge leading out to the right.  But the train comes in from the upper right and the design seems to work.  The land mass was difficult but I know it very well and I think I captured the height and depths pretty well.  The edges improved from 'At Rest' to this one.  Please feel free to offer insight.  Only 98 more to go!!

After a few days, here are more technical notes. 1) I like red but the red trestle detracts from the focus.  The drawing of cars and rail and engine are incorrectly drawn. Lines hill side to the viewer's right of the train need to be more vertical not diagonal.  Can you see it, the one dark brushstroke, it needs to be vertical.  The bluish color left and right of train needs to be less saturated, less blue.  Behind the hillside is the Monterey Bay.  The water needs more saturation and definition.  All in all, improve drawing, the right color in the right place, brushstrokes in the right direction, more definition and color in the bay.